William Cain

Domestic Violence Attorney
Murfreesboro, TN

Domestic Violence Is A Serious Charge – Know Your Rights!

Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse or family violence is abuse committed by someone against another person in a domestic setting like in a marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence can likewise include violence against children, parents, or the elderly.

Abuse happens when someone uses physical force against an intimate partner or another family member. It is a serious issue and should therefore not be taken lightly. If you find yourself in a domestic violence situation, whether as a victim or you’ve been falsely accused, you need to contact an experienced and dedicated attorney immediately to help you understand the full extent of the issues you may be facing.

Domestic violence abusers are usually charged with domestic assault, child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment, corporal injury to a spouse or inhabitant, elder abuse, revenge porn and other vices. If found guilty, these accusations can cause irreparable damage and alteration to an individual’s life and reputation, even loss of a job, child custody, and visitation rights.

Note that you do not have to be a victim of domestic violence before you can take legal action. Even if you feel scared of potential violence and abuse being meted against you by someone that you know, don’t hesitate to inform the authorities.

William Cain is an experienced attorney that treats domestic violence cases very seriously. He is ready to advocate on your behalf and will protect you and your family to the fullest extent of the law. He will build your defense and prevent you from suffering detrimental legal action.

He can likewise help secure protective court orders for victims of domestic violence or threatened domestic violence so that they may protect themselves and their loved ones. Your personal safety is our top priority and we will pursue civil remedies to makes sure that we keep you and other family members safe.

A restraining order is the most common form of protection for victims of domestic violence and it is available in every state in the U.S. Restraining orders can be obtained free of charge, and we can provide assistance with the court forms as well.

With restraining orders, the abuser will be prohibited from coming within a specified distance of the victim. Restraining orders may also demand that the abuser ceases all contact with the victim, vacate the family home, and pay child or spousal support.

Depending on the type of restraining order, the judge can include provisions that require the abuser to give up their guns, undergo substance abuse counseling, and more. Restraining orders can also be gotten on an emergency or long-term basis.

However, people accused of domestic violence are allowed certain rights since domestic violence depends on criminal conduct, so it is important that you ensure your rights are protected. A professional domestic violence attorney like William Cain knows what your rights are and will make sure they are not violated.

The laws governing domestic violence change constantly, the government passes new laws every now and then to help protect victims and potential victims of domestic abuse. In Tennessee domestic violence crimes are largely governed by the Tennessee Code Annotated and applicable case law.

After discussing with an attorney and analyzing the facts of the case, a defendant charged with domestic violence will gradually begin to comprehend the direction of the court proceedings and the options available to them. The defendant may choose to fight the allegations by going to trial, or they could decide to enter a guilty or no contest plea in return for more lenient penalties than would have been served some other way.

Deciding which course to pursue will not be easy. On the one hand, acquiring exoneration at trial means the defendant leaves the courtroom a free person, vindicated according to the law. On the other hand, plea bargaining eliminates the uncertainty of trial and protects the defendant from the brutal consequences of an unmitigated sentence. Although an attorney can provide insight into the issue, in the end, the choice to plead or go to trial depends solely on the defendant.

The quality of the evidence gathered against the defendant plays a critical role in the decision. Domestic violence cases usually involve “he said, she said” evidence, making the accuser’s validity very important. Recorded proclamations by the accuser are also fundamental to the case since the prosecution can proceed even if the accuser retracts or chooses not to press charges. Factors that can also influence the outcome of a domestic violence trial include medical examinations, video surveillance, and the testimony of law enforcement.

Don't Delay, Take Action Today!

The consequences of domestic violence can have a significant and lasting impact on the lives of everyone involved. If you have fallen victim or been accused of committing this sort of harm, you need an experienced advocate on your side. Contact William Cain today!

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